Sunday Advent Services

Sundays  |  December 1, 8, 15, 22  |  10:00 am

Advent is a season of preparation and anticipation.  The Church looks for the coming of her Savior in this threefold advent: his coming in the flesh; his return in judgment; his daily coming Word and Sacrament.  The Church encompasses all these facets of the season in the single word that defines Advent worship: “Come!”  Throughout the prayers, verses, and lessons that single word is our invitation, our anticipation, our sure and certain hope.  Come, Lord Jesus!

This year’s theme will be: “A Real Christmas.”  Here is a brief description of the worship series from our synod’s “The Foundation” worship resources… “If you want a real Christmas, then you need to observe Advent.  Advent is Latin for “coming.”  In the season of Advent, Christians observe the connection between the first time the Son of God came into our world as the Savior and the second time he will come as the Judge.  Advent prepares our minds and hearts, so that we might soon celebrate a real Christmas.”

Midweek Advent Services

Wednesdays  |  December 4, 11, 18  |  4:00  &  7:00 pm

We will hold Midweek Advent worship services on the first three Wednesdays of the season at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m.  All are invited and encouraged to attend either one of these services. 

This year’s theme will be: “The Name That Is Above Every Name.”  Using Philippians 2:9-11 as our theme passage, we will explore what it means that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity is: “Jesus”… “Christ”… and “Lord.”  We will also discover the meaning behind some of the other names for our Savior. 

Click here for our Advent and Christmas service schedule